Ways to Manage Lyme Disease & Long COVID 19: Danielle's Expert Tips
Jan 28, 2024

Ways to Manage Lyme Disease & Long COVID 19: Danielle's Expert Tips

By Danielle Pashko, Holistic Nutritionist

"If you would have met me in my 20s you would have described me as “the picture of health.” I was extremely fit and disciplined with my diet. I was teaching yoga, working as a massage therapist and yoga instructor, and collaborating with some of the top New York City physicians to teach their patients about optimal nutrition and dietary supplementation. When it came to being healthy, I thought I had the formula figured out.

Then in my 30s I was tossed a curveball and diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After surgery and radiation, I eventually made a full recovery. I learned first-hand that no matter how well we take care of ourselves, sometimes we’re just unlucky. I even wrote a book about my experience and the healing power of gratitude called, “Smile At Your Challenges.”

Just when I thought I had conquered it all, another frightening event took my health in a more complicated direction."

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