The Healthy: Can’t Lose Weight? 17 Tips You Need to Get Over a Weight-Loss Plateau
Jan 18, 2020

The Healthy: Can’t Lose Weight? 17 Tips You Need to Get Over a Weight-Loss Plateau

By Marissa Laliberte of The Healthy, a Reader's Digest brand

Cut down—even on the healthy stuff

Just because you buy your snacks at a health food store doesn’t mean you can eat them with abandon. “They’re associated as being healthy because of where they’re purchased and they have healthy ingredients,” says Danielle Pashko, author of Breaking Your Fat Girl Habits: Weight Loss Mistakes Even Healthy Chicks Make! But “health” foods like veggie chips, granola, and dried fruit—while fine in moderation—won’t keep you full for long, she says. If you eat the whole bag before feeling satisfied, you could be chowing down on hundreds of calories. Pick up an individual, portion-controlled fruit like an apple or nectarine instead, she says. These inspirational weight-loss stories will motivate you to reach your goals.

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