WDLB: Holistic Nutritionist Discusses Lyme Disease and Long COVID
May 03, 2023

WDLB: Holistic Nutritionist Discusses Lyme Disease and Long COVID

By Riley Heber
May 3, 2023 | 11:01 AM
Certain illnesses are a mystery to modern medicine, frustrating doctors like a jigsaw puzzle with missing parts that cannot be solved.
Two of these illnesses have seen a concerning uptick this year including Lyme disease and Long COVID. Holistic nutritionist, Danielle Pashko, should know because not only does she consult with patients struggling with Lyme disease and Long COVID side effects, she has had to also successfully manage both illnesses on her own.

I had a chance to speak with Danielle and we discussed a wide range of topics regarding Lyme and Long COVID and ways to treat them.

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